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08 Better  Transparency  & Provenance

Better Transparency & Provenance

We work with world-class farmers and suppliers to help our customers meet growing consumer expectations around provenance, transparency, accountability and supply. As a Certified B Corp™ we’re part of a global network of purpose-driven companies using business as a force for good.

Value Propositions

B Corp™ Certification Standard
Source products from a Certified B Corp™ to demonstrate the social and environmental performance of your supply chain.

Consumers today have increased expectations on how we should care for our people and planet. They expect more from businesses – more care, more accountability, more transparency – and they’re prepared to vote with their wallets for companies whose ethics align with their own.

At Synlait, becoming a Certified B Corp™ in June 2020 was an important milestone in achieving our purpose: Doing Milk Differently For A Healthier World.

Our B Corp™ status represents an ongoing commitment to achieving higher social and environmental standards, and reduced sustainability risks.

For customers, this provides assurance that the products you buy are sourced from a company that is committed to creating benefits for all stakeholders.

But being a Certified B Corp™ is about more than just certification; it’s a tool for people that want to create an impact and use business to do so.

As one of New Zealand’s largest B Corps™, we’re working to solve the sustainability challenges of an important primary sector. In every decision, we consider the impact of our decisions on workers, customers, suppliers, community and the environment. 

In becoming a B Corp™, we joined a global community of for-profit leaders using business as a force for good. Attaining B Corp™ status is, however, just the start of the journey. We’re continuing our evolution by improving our B Corp Impact Assessment score over time, as we advance our performance to better serve people and the planet. Learn more about our Overall B Impact Score.

Made in New Zealand Standard
From our farms here in New Zealand, to consumers across the world.

We’re a New Zealand-based milk nutrition company shifting perceptions around what sustainable food production can be.

Our purpose is to do milk differently for a healthier world, and the ways we create high value milk nutrition products for our global clients is guided and inspired by our place in the world. New Zealand.

Aotearoa New Zealand is a country of mountains, rivers, forests and deep, clear lakes. It has lush and fertile pasture land, abundant fresh air and clean water and a benevolent climate that is well-suited to raising healthy animals. In fact, we believe few countries are as well suited to producing milk in as natural a way as New Zealand. The herds of our farmer suppliers predominantly feed on high quality grass and live outdoors, free to roam paddocks.

Around 84% of electricity in New Zealand comes from renewable sources, predominantly wind, geothermal, hydroelectric, with a planned shift to 100% renewable by 2030. 

New Zealand is a land of epic and varied beauty, and we acknowledge our good fortune by striving to enhance and conserve the resources that are the keys to our success.

Digital Transparency & Farmer Storytelling Tailored
Connect consumers to the source of their milk products through on-farm storytelling. 

Synlait can develop a customised consumer facing app for our customers' brand(s) which can be used to communicate unique information about farmers and highlight examples of sustainability best practices in the form of case studies.

Synlait can support brands by providing farm level data as well as imagery and video’s showcasing our stunning New Zealand pastoral scenery and innovative farmers.

We can partner with Brand Managers and their teams to create and maintain content that resonates with their brand personas. The app has the capability to enable a dynamic and customised experience for consumers every time they log in.

The customised app will help:
  • Enable brand differentiation through breakthrough technology and innovation
  • Provide consumers with a new digital experience with compelling farm-level storytelling
  • Address consumer demand for ‘next gen’ food provenance and transparency
  • Establish a connection between the farmer, his team, his animals, the product and the consumer

The Made With Better Milk value propositions are continually evolving as consumer expectations and corporate priorities change. We aim to work with our customers on the development of the programme and we have identified additional value propositions that aren’t captured on this page. Please reach out to us directly to discuss you individual requirements.

We’ve classified the value propositions either as ‘standard’ or ‘tailored’.

STANDARD Standard value propositions are those that already exist – things we already do - and that may be of interest to our customers, for use in their corporate or brand communications.

TAILORED Tailored value propositions are those that we can co-develop with our customers. This could be in the form of tailored new product development or collaborative projects on farm or on site.

Other Key Categories

01 Better Health  & Nutrition

Better Health & Nutrition

02 Better Animal  Wellbeing

Better Animal

03 Better Support  for People &  Livelihood Creation

Better Support for People & Livelihoods

04 Better Climate  Outcomes

Better Climate

06 Better Waste  Reduction &  Packaging

Better Waste & Packaging Circularity

05 Better Outcomes  for Nature

Better Outcomes
for nature

07Better Product  Safety & Quality

Better Product
Safety & Quality