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Introducing Made With Better Milk

At Synlait we recognise that the choices we make about what to eat or drink have a significant impact on planet and people.

Globally, conscious consumers are on the rise. Diets are changing. Health and wellbeing are increasingly important. And there’s an expectation that businesses should protect rather than exploit the planet. Consumers are looking closely at the ethical practices of brands they support and placing greater emphasis on understanding the provenance, environmental impact, nutritional quality, safety, and equitable production of the products they buy.

We’ve created Made With Better Milk to help our customers differentiate their products and meet their corporate sustainability commitments. We do this through the integrity of our approach to milk production, transparent supply chain practices, and verified sustainability claims.

Build consumer trust and provide assurance by using milk products:

  • With unique nutritional characteristics.
  • Which have been produced by healthy, pasture-ranging cows cared for by farmers who also act as environmental stewards.
  • Are manufactured with the highest regard to food quality and safety in modern New Zealand factories.

Demonstrate commitment to sustainable sourcing:

  • Partner with us on the trial of new on-farm technologies and practices.
  • Provide tangible evidence of progress towards sustainability targets using our comprehensive range of audited on-farm and off-farm data.

Who is Synlait?

We’re a young, pioneering New Zealand-based company that is shifting perceptions and driving value through new thinking, and a new attitude. We combine expert farming with state-of-the-art processing to produce a range of nutritional milk products for our global customers.

Synlait was founded to ensure that global consumers were able to access some of the best that New Zealand dairying had to offer. It’s all about partnering people who are passionate about business excellence, integrity and quality of product, with top quality milk and farming practices. That’s where the name Synlait comes from – Synergy and Milk.

COM24958 Synlait - Walkway & Factory 191

What products does Synlait manufacture?

Our integrated supply chain means we can provide an exceptional and consistently high standard of product. We offer our customers great flexibility to produce products in advanced nutrition, ingredients, food service and consumer foods.

Our product portfolio includes the following:

  • Nutritional Formula
  • Infant Nutritional Formula
  • Whole Milk Powder
  • Skim Milk Powder
  • Anhydrous Milk Fat
  • Lactoferrin
  • Fresh milk and cream
  • UHT milk and cream

Learn more about Synlait here