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03 Better Support  for People &  Livelihood Creation

Better Support for People & Livelihoods

Through our purpose and ambition we’re aiming to transform our sector and our communities, creating a legacy to be enjoyed by tomorrow’s generations. By putting in place opportunities for all to benefit from, we are able to give our customers – and their end consumers – full confidence in the integrity of our business model.

Value Propositions

On-Farm Sustainability Incentive Payments Standard
Support farmer suppliers to raise the social, animal welfare and environmental standards of dairy farming.

At Synlait, we believe economic, environmental, and social resilience are interlinked. Farming sustainably is complex and challenging which is why we provide social and economic support to farmers. Together, we aim to lead the industry and uplift the social, animal welfare and environmental standards of dairy farming.

We financially reward farmer suppliers who achieve continuous excellence through our third-party audited, on-farm sustainability programme.

Our on-farm sustainability programme was created in 2013, and it is the cornerstone of our sustainable farming strategy. It takes a holistic approach to all aspects of farming and attracts progressive and innovative farmers who adhere to the highest standards in terms of milk quality, animal welfare, environmental protection, and social responsibility.

The programme is widely recognised in the New Zealand dairy industry, and while participation is voluntary, most of our farmers are now certified. It is constantly evolving, and each year we add new provisions, incentives, tools, and knowledge, each an important step in our mission to reduce impact and grow profitability in sustainable ways. For example, we recently updated our greenhouse gas incentive payment to encourage the implementation of emissions reduction measures.

To provide our customers with assurance around the quality of our verification processes, certified farms are audited annually to the ISO/IEC 17065 standard. Because Synlait owns the standard, we can introduce or modify incentive payments to reflect our priorities. This means we can co-develop with our customers new requirements and incentive payments that promote change in specific areas to align with their sustainability targets.

The Made With Better Milk value propositions are continually evolving as consumer expectations and corporate priorities change. We aim to work with our customers on the development of the programme and we have identified additional value propositions that aren’t captured on this page. Please reach out to us directly to discuss you individual requirements.

We’ve classified the value propositions either as ‘standard’ or ‘tailored’.

STANDARD Standard value propositions are those that already exist – things we already do - and that may be of interest to our customers, for use in their corporate or brand communications.

TAILORED Tailored value propositions are those that we can co-develop with our customers. This could be in the form of tailored new product development or collaborative projects on farm or on site.

Other Key Categories

01 Better Health  & Nutrition

Better Health & Nutrition

02 Better Animal  Wellbeing

Better Animal

04 Better Climate  Outcomes

Better Climate

06 Better Waste  Reduction &  Packaging

Better Waste & Packaging Circularity

05 Better Outcomes  for Nature

Better Outcomes
for nature

07Better Product  Safety & Quality

Better Product
Safety & Quality

08 Better  Transparency  & Provenance

Better Transparency
& Provenance