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02 Better Animal  Wellbeing

Better Animal Wellbeing

Our milk nutrition products are produced by healthy, well treated cows. Understanding that the health of a herd impacts both on milk quality and consumer sentiment, we incentivise our farmer suppliers to provide the highest standard of care.

Value Propositions

Five Freedoms Standard
Going Beyond Minimising Negatives

Our on-farm sustainability programme has a pillar dedicated to animal health and welfare, it holds farmer suppliers to a very high standard. Each is regularly audited to verify that all animal welfare requirements are met, providing transparency to customers that the milk they purchase comes from healthy, well-treated cows.

Our farmer suppliers adhere to the Five Freedoms, and proactively promote animal health and wellbeing through the Five Domains.

The Five Freedoms is our baseline for animal care and an internationally recognised standard of animal rights. The Five Freedoms ensure freedom from hunger, malnutrition and thirst; fear and distress; heat stress or physical discomfort; pain, injury and disease; and the freedom to express normal patterns of behaviour.

The Five Domains model of animal welfare goes further. Developed in New Zealand – incidentally, one of the first countries to recognise animal sentience and enshrine it in law – it considers an animal’s mental as well as physical wellbeing.

On the farm, the principles of both models are applied through proactive planning, monitoring and treatment of animals, appropriate design and use of farm facilities, and on-farm training that reiterates the link between empathetic treatment of animals and production excellence.

Animal Sensor Technology Tailored
Craft authentic consumer-facing narratives using innovative animal health tools and traceable data.

Just as animal welfare standards are of increasing concern to many consumers, products from animals that are well cared for are also perceived as higher quality.[1]

At Synlait, we have partnerships with pioneering animal sensor technology start-ups who are enabling innovative approaches to animal welfare and farm management.

Sensor technologies such as smart collars safely fitted to dairy cows are transforming the way farmers operate. Using a simple app on their smartphones, farmers can remotely shift mobs and set virtual fences.

With continuous monitoring and hundreds of data points collected per minute, farmers can accurately monitor an individual cow’s health, feed intake and behaviour. If there are any changes in a cow’s condition, farmers are proactively alerted, allowing faster responses for greater overall wellbeing.

There are also opportunities to leverage this on-farm technology and combine it with data collected through our manufacturing process and supply chain to provide transparency to consumers via a web application. 

Additional collateral such as on-farm story telling can be used to provide consumers with an engaging experience. 

[1] Mintel Report “Time for APAC dairy players to consider animal welfare” 31 October 2021; Time for APAC dairy players to consider animal welfare - Mintel


The Made With Better Milk value propositions are continually evolving as consumer expectations and corporate priorities change. We aim to work with our customers on the development of the programme and we have identified additional value propositions that aren’t captured on this page. Please reach out to us directly to discuss you individual requirements.

We’ve classified the value propositions either as ‘standard’ or ‘tailored’.

STANDARD Standard value propositions are those that already exist – things we already do - and that may be of interest to our customers, for use in their corporate or brand communications.

TAILORED Tailored value propositions are those that we can co-develop with our customers. This could be in the form of tailored new product development or collaborative projects on farm or on site.

Other Key Categories

01 Better Health  & Nutrition

Better Health & Nutrition

03 Better Support  for People &  Livelihood Creation

Better Support for People & Livelihoods

04 Better Climate  Outcomes

Better Climate

06 Better Waste  Reduction &  Packaging

Better Waste & Packaging Circularity

05 Better Outcomes  for Nature

Better Outcomes
for nature

07Better Product  Safety & Quality

Better Product
Safety & Quality

08 Better  Transparency  & Provenance

Better Transparency
& Provenance